Tuesday, September 21, 2010

I painted this...

...like, forever ago. The beginning of May I think? At the last minute and in between moving and being pregnant. You know...cuz that's how I do. If you can't tell (or don't know me at all), it's a portrait of my partner. Chasing me out of the kitchen, to be exact.

It was a lot of fun to work on & really reminded me of how great it is to paint. Sadly..I haven't painted anything since (with the exception of the bedroom in our new apartment), but I have high hopes of at least painting a few things for the baby's room. It was also fun to make a painting with such a light-hearted and simple subject & get to display it in a public space where even the kids from the school G used to work at got to get a laugh at it.

The painting was displayed on Madison Avenue in Albany NY, for Grand Street Community Art's Boarded Up Project (which I have definitely mentioned on here before).

And! For the information of all three of you who read this blog, this Saturday is the auction for the 2010 Boarded Up series featuring gorgeous work from local artists with proceeds going to the fantastic programs that GSCA has. I can't wait!