Sunday, January 31, 2010

2009 knits

2009 knits, originally uploaded by mslj88.

1. baby booties-close up, 2. Little feet for little foot, 3. "Application Socks", 4. go with the flow socks, 5. roscoe's garden cap, 6. baby blue, 7. smell my feet, 8. comparing stripes, 9. ishbel, 10. amelia front, 11. rainbow socks, 12. cat hat grrrrr

2009 felt like kind of a slack knitting year for me. I had long periods of knitting-less activity. But even for my slump, I managed to finish a nice little collection.

I'm trying to get better at finishing things. 2010 promises to be full of some baby-knitting for dear loved ones.

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