Tuesday, March 28, 2006

So much knitting, so little time

Day two of being back to work, and oh how I miss my vacation. I even got the opportunity to re-organize my crafting stuff. It's not much, but I'm pretty happy with it in my humble abode.

I actually had to do a major dust-off of my sewing machine. Oh, for shame. When I got it about a year and a half ago, I swore I would sew constantly. Truth be told, I'm kind of intimidated by garment construction. But then again, I used to be super intimidated by knitting, so I really just need to dive in.

Speaking of sewing, I am about 2/3 done with the knitting for wild stripes and then it's on to detailing, blocking, and sewing on the back. However, I've sort of put the project on the back burner for now. Partly because I'm just sort of sick of stockinette stitch, but also because I'm going to see about getting more of that yarn I had run out of. Whatever man, the baby isn't due till July. I've got time.

Instead, I've been working on my Zapatista doll. This is her back and one of her legs. Whilst reading ahead on the pattern I am modifying for it, I realized I'm going to have to "turn her heel." Being a relatively new knitter, this is unexplored territory for me. Sometimes I get lost in my own ambitions. I kind of felt as though I should have made socks first or something. But the wild woman in me says that's just silly and people learn steps in a different order. We shall see, I guess. It's always the idea of things that intimidate me, not the actions themselves once I get to them.

Bearing that in mind, I also cast on some maryjane slippers today too. It's not that I need more slippers persay. It's my partner that needs his own slippers, because he's always swiping mine. But I found this pattern before I came across a set for him that I really liked.

And finally...there's the orangina situation. This was my first lace knitting project, and I was really proud of how quickly I completed it. Trouble is, I somehow managed to make it about two sizes too big! I blame this not only on my skewed body image perception, but also on my resistance to being one of those knitters who does practical things- like checking their guage.

I asked for feedback from an on-line knitting community, and the overwhelming response was that I should leave it as is and embrace the off-the-shoulders look. But it was just way too big for that & slipped off entirely too much. I also tried sewing up some of shoulders a bit, which made it stay on more, but I'm still not thrilled with it. So I am again considering starting it over. In fact, I feel certain that's what I want to do. I know that sounds crazy, but I'd rather do it over then do a piss poor patch up job & then never really wear it. It's too beautiful for that!I need a living situation that allows me to pay my way in knitting.

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