Friday, October 27, 2006

first cables!

I just finished this cable knit sweater & I absolutely love it. So excuse me while I gush about it a little bit.
Pattern: a modified version of Platinum, from Knit Scene Fall 2006
Yarn: Karabella Aurora 8 in Rust color (just a little over 6 skeins)
Knit time: Done in about a week and a half (and during midterm week no less!)

I just loved knitting this! It was my first time knitting cables. I was rather intimidated by cables. I'm always intimidated by the idea of something & then find in actuality it's really manageable, & cables were no exception.

There are some imperfections on one side of my cabling, but I kept them in there cuz I loved the imperfections too. Plus, there is definitly one specific cable that commemorates my attempt to cable while watching an amazing CSI:Las Vegas episode directed by Tarantino. Geeky? yes, yes it is.

I also absolutely love this yarn. In case there was any impression otherwise, let me declare that I am no yarn snob. I picked it up because I loved the color, it was super soft, and on sale for $3 a skein. I had never even heard of Karabella yarn until Heather identified it for me. And now that I am so smitten with it, I discover that it usually retails for $8.50 for a 98yd skein! Yikes!! I don't know about you, but that's expensive for me. Now I shall be scouring sale bins with direct purpose.

It's really nice to feel good about the things you make. And I think I'm a bit addicted to recreating that feeling as well.


Anonymous said...

cuuuuute! it looks great on you! :)

Anonymous said...

whattttttttttttt. lauren. that is a freaking gorgeous sweater. seriously. so impressed. but not that impressed cause i already knowwwwwwwww that you are amazing at this well as most things. i miss you lovely lady.
