Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Babies, babies everywhere

I've sort of been on hiatus. Luckily, I haven't accumulated too many readers just yet, so not that many people have been affected by this knitting drought.

I finally, finally finished Wild Stripes. I am a reluctant sewer so this puppy was completed the morning of the baby shower. I was happy with the finished product & I think the Momma liked it.

The baby Pinwheel blanket is growing, but continues to be the bane of my existance. It's cute, but terribly boring to knit. Also, in hindsight, I wish I would have done it in a varieted yarn or something. But oh well. You live. You learn.

Also, I recently discovered that one of my closest friends from high school is also pregnant. Needless to say, I'll be making her something other than a damn blanket. But this new development leads me to an ultimatum: you people need to stop. Stop having babies! There is only so much baby stuff I am willing or able to knit. So if you are having a baby in the near future, we might have to stop being friends. So consider that before you decide to conceive.

That is all. Carry on.


Elena said...

Yeah, don't knit for those baby-makers. It only encourages them.

Anonymous said...

hey! i read! and i missed reading this blog!

also - why don't you knit up stuffed animals or something? something that's a bit more fun & interesting. you have the book of patterns already.