Friday, February 09, 2007

Slow on the uptake

So remember these socks that I started in November? Yeah, I know. Not so much. Well, anyway, I finally finished them!! Ummm..about a month ago (there hasn't been much blogging time in my world).But weeeeee!!! First pair of finished socks!!

And then there is this work in progress that I planned to show you all about two weeks ago...
...but now I'm pretty much done with it. Just gotta sew on a button & take some pictures. Hopefully it won't take me a whole month to post the finished product. But it's way cute (although a little shorter than I'd prefer) and I didn't put that big ol' flower on it cuz that's just not how I roll.


Meg said...

LOVE the socks, and want to see more of the sweater. the pictures from NO <3 <3...we have to get together. soooon! - btw, this is my name as a result of my attempt to set up a knitblog myself.

Anonymous said...

yay! you finished the socks! congrats! aren't hand-knit socks the best?