Monday, October 27, 2008

Personal Challenge

In this act, Lauren will attempt to update her blog once a day for a week in order to update about all the amazing happenings in her life. We'll see how it goes.

This weekend, I had the pleasure of being in New York City. A friend and I caught the Banksy show "The Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill". If you're around, I'd recommend it. It's free & open for the rest of the week everyday until midnight.

Here's a list of thoughts & photos about it in no particular order...

1. The place is pretty discreet, and if you didn't know what you were looking for you might just miss it. I really appreciated that because there were people that seemed to just be stumbling upon it and talking about it without having the "Banksy" context to it.

2. Notably, there is no graffiti in the show, but it's mostly animatronics. Hot dogs sipping water in animal tanks and fish sticks swimming around in a tank and the like.
3. Having a context of what Banksy has done in the past, it was interesting to consider what this show was saying considering he has used animals in the past in manners such as this.4. Who knows, maybe it's not saying anything at all. Especially considering he was quoted as saying, "New Yorkers don't care about art, they care about pets. So I'm exhibiting them instead."5. Regardless of what he is or is not trying to say with this exhibit, it was very stimulating visually and intellectually. The "animals" looked extremely realistic and just made you rethink your environment, your food, your pets.

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